Well, the day has finally arrived. Wait, why am I saying "finally" when I should say that it has already arrived. No, no one is getting engaged or married. I'm talking about the big question from Poppy - the "birds and bees" and "I don't know what in the heck to tell her" question because I thought I had at least another year or two to go before this topic came up. After all, she's not even 4 years old yet!
So this was my Sunday morning:
Mommy, Poppy, and Sweet Pea head to Target for the Sunday morning run. Just as I pull into the parking spot, this is what I hear from my little love in the back seat:
Poppy: Mommy, how did I get in your tummy?
Me: [after a cough or two to clear my quickly constricting throat] What was that honey?
[Translation: I heard you the first time, I'm just hoping you change the question.]
Poppy: If I grew in your tummy, how did I get in there to grow?
Me: Well, uh, let's see, um...[beads of perspiration starting to gather] Well sweetheart, [don't blow it, don't blow it!] after mommy and daddy got married, we loved each other so much that we wanted to share our love with a baby and, uh, we asked God for a baby and he helped us [OMG, I'm blowing it!] by putting you in my tummy to grow.
Poppy: Silence. [She's either not buying it OR it's sinking in to the gray matter.]
Me: You know, Aunt M is a nurse, she'll know just how all the technical stuff works. Maybe we should ask her [as I'm dialing furiously on the cell phone].
After a quick debrief from me:
Aunt M: You're right. After mommies and daddies get married and when they are ready to have a baby. God gives them a special way to put the baby in the tummy so it will grow.
Poppy: Oh. Okay.
God, I love her!!
Thanks for the help Aunt M!